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2023 Annual Report

New Milestones, New Leadership!

In 2023 Amigos of Costa Rica leveled-up in ways that will set the stage for our future growth and success. Donors supporting Costa Rican nonprofits around the country increased their annual contributions by over $2 million, reaching $6.5 million in 2023.  The Amigos Board of Directors came under new leadership and was able to achieve 100% board giving for the first time in the organization’s history. During this record-breaking year, the vision for Amigos of Costa Rica’s future was consolidated and the organization embraced the unmatched value it creates for both Costa Rica’s funders as well as its nonprofits and their beneficiaries.

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front cover page of 2023 annual report

2022 Annual Report

Onward and Upward!

Back in 2018, Amigos of Costa Rica developed a new strategy which included the goal of supporting Costa Rican nonprofits with $2.4 million per year. We exceeded this goal in 2019 when we received over $4 million for nonprofit initiatives around Costa Rica. As the pandemic created waves of uncertainty over the years that followed, Amigos held steadfast and continued facilitating between $4-5 million per year for Costa Rican initiatives.
In 2022, Amigos of Costa Rica’s board came together to dream bigger, defining the pathway forwardto increase our impact. We have set aggressive goals for our 2022-2027 strategy.

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2021 Annual Report

Rethinking the New Normal

In 2021, many people yearned to get "back to normal" and leave behind the challenges so many around the world faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the needs and opportunities unveiled by this crisis stubbornly persisted. At Amigos of Costa Rica, we connected thousands of donors to Costa Rican communities so they could maintain the flow of attention and resources to ongoing problems and powerful solutions. Meeting basic needs- of families, animals, and ecosystems - was a core focus of 2021.

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2020 Annual Report

Rising to the Occasion

2020 brought us all unique challenges as together we faced our first global pandemic. Reflecting on the Amigos of Costa Rica journey through 2020, this time of fear and uncertainty was met with generosity and care. The number of donations we received increased over 300%, with many donors expressing their gratitude for having the opportunity to support people and communities they care about. Community organizations that had previously come together to help one another after floods or landslides once again organized rapidly to care for those in need.

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2019 Annual Report

A Year to Celebrate

2019 was an incredible year of tremendous growth for Amigos of Costa Rica. Total funds raised increased from $1.25 million in 2018 to over $4 million in 2019. The number of Amigos of Costa Rica Affiliate organizations increased, with the addition of 30 new organizations, raising the total number of Affiliate Organizations to 83. In 2018 there were about 766 individual transactions received by Amigos of Costa Rica, and that number rose to 1,500 in 2019.

Amigos of Costa Rica was able to further its mission by responding to increasing numbers of inquiries from individuals, families, and corporations wishing to engage with Costa Rica’s nonprofit sector. Many inquiries involved those seeking volunteer opportunities or other direct collaborations. Amigos of Costa Rica also made important progress in the increase of collaborations that will provide additional support to Amigos of Costa Rica Affiliate Organizations.

Amigos of Costa Rica is thriving. Costa Rica has friends and supporters around the world who have shown how enthusiastic they are to support those working for the wellbeing of a country they love. Costa Rica has innovative nonprofit organizations offering exciting solutions to challenges being faced.

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Please Note:
Ticket sales are currently closed.
Tickets sales may reopen after Monday, October 7th.
To be added to our waiting list, please contact: 
Adriana Barrantes - abarrantes@crusa.cr

If you have already reserved a ticket and need to pay for it,
please contact: emily@amigosofcostarica.org